Saturday, October 07, 2006

tee hee

okay. this i gotta share with you before anything else - he's cute. hehehe...

saturdays seem more fun now. ;OP

Ok. Main entry -

Let's see here...I'm crazy about books. Ok, I am crazy about a lot of things but books form quite a major part of my insanity. I kinda like almost anything and everything unless it's really, really boring (surprisingly, dictionaries are NOT boring). Anyway, my point is, there's this author who goes by the name of Harun Yahya. He's got really good books with some amazing information about almost anything...from ancient Mt Vesuvius to the Knights Templar and even an ant...He's got them all. I highly recommend his "Perished Nations". Uber-cool.

The thing is, his writings kinda make me wonder and stand in awe of all that're around me. It's incredibly eye-opening, thought-provoking, humbling and sigh...I can't even attempt to explain myself...It's just...sigh...

I've been reading a lot, as you can tell. It's my way of diverting attention away from work. Some call it a hobby. I just call it a diversion. A nice diversion. Which brings us back to my Saturdays. Yet another nice diversion. ;OP



Anonymous said...

you're really a piece of work you know. haha.

innercrap said...

do i take that as a compliment? :OP

Anonymous said...

well you'd have to take your medication first, then we'll see how.