Saturday, November 25, 2006


I've been on an emma-streak lately.

I'm currently reading Emma. It has been so for a couple of weeks now coz it's serving as my "travel" book since it's so cute and small. See....

I've also been watching these -

Hehehe...I tend to do that. I go through phases. I think once I'm through with emma, I'd probably re-read the other austen works. I already had my Pride and Prejudice fix (read the book, watched Colin Firth's P&P, Rai's Bride&P and Knightley's P&P in a day.) So erm, might need to revisit my Mansfield Park next. Guess, collectively, this would be my Austen phase which is part of my classics phase.

Hmmm...I'm just waiting for Harry Potter so that my whole fantasy phase can kick in. So erm, yeah.

For now, I will continue with my reading.

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