Friday, April 13, 2007

tame doves

jinak-jinak merpati, bila dekat mesti, confirm lari punyer...

There is this old malay saying about how pigeons/ they appear so friendly but when you try to get hold of them, they'll fly away...this is with reference to people...usually girls appear so friendly but when you kinda try to get closer, they'll run away...something to that effect lah...

Anyhow, the phrase seems rather familiar of late. I realize that I am one of those merpatis...And it kinda applies to one and all...Generally, most folks will describe me as a friendly person but it's not particularly easy trying to get closer coz I have this thing about personal space...I like mine. A lot. And I like it private.

It's no wonder that eventually be it cousins or friends, I kinda drift away from them...I just don't quite like the whole buddy-buddy pal-pal system. In fact, I think the reason why I'm such good friends with my bozos from secondary school is precisely because they're like that too. We all love our own personal spaces too much to annoy each other. We actually like doing things separately. And to that end, we have a very interesting friendship which some may find weird. An example...a movie outing among us could possibly mean that we watch different movies at the same time...Even if it means that some of us might wind up being lone rangers but seriously, that never bothered us.


Oh...this is in itself a revelation to me. So, erm, yeah...


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