Monday, May 07, 2007

I am Muslim (with ageist issues on an adrenaline high).

Once in a blue moon, something freaky happens. Today happens to be my "lucky" day.

Some psycho dropped me a note. Honestly, don't know who the crap it was but one thing's for certain, must be a blind psycho. Ko giler, kapa? Salah orang, kot. Nanti lain kali aku kenalkan ko kat makcik aku, eh. :OP

Apa jer...

It got me thinking though. I am ageist. To a certain extent. I do not relate well to older folks. Give me a break, some people like kids, some people don't. I'm not into old folks. I mean, I'm not about to go get a gun and go on a kill-'em-ol'-fogies routine but seriously, I don't gel well with older folks. Let's get this straight...older would mean beyond the age of 65 (thereabouts).

Then it also dawned on me, as much as we jodohs come in any shape, form and age...quite honestly, I would honestly not like to marry someone that's more than 10 years older. The fact that 10 years is already something I can sorta accept is already an achievement in itself. I mean, seriously, I know jodoh's jodoh. But it's just not something I can say with all sincerity something I will be willing to accept wholeheartedly.

Does that make me a bad person? Or an ingrate? Or an ageist?

I feel a little conflicted when it comes to this but the bottomline remains, I am not for May-Dec romances. It's sweet and all and I honestly think that some folks are very genuine when it comes to this but I will not wish it for myself. Please?

It freaks me sometimes how things we do not want come back to haunt us. It happens lah. And usually, it's for a good reason. There is always that possibility but at this current moment in time, please? Betol2 tak nak. Seriously.

Anyhow, I've been reading this Dina Zaman's book - I am Muslim. It's kinda difficult to put it down. It's very funny yet thought-provoking at the same time. I see glimpses of the dilemmas I face and the candour style she uses suits me to a T. (Why not 'S'? Oh well.)

I'll post a couple of excerpts from the book when I have the time. For now, it's my favourite read.

On another and friend went for a quickie. Erm, stick heads out of yellow goo. It was a quickie holiday. Minus official leave. Hehehe...Tiring but boy, was it fun! I had oodles of fun. And got myself soooooo many new books. Got about 3 Harun Yahyas, the Dina Zaman book, this teen-based fractured fairy tale book and a blast from the past chick-lit satire - Fabulous Nobodies. The only thing that stopped me from getting Salina was the fact that I doubt my sling could hold them all. Anyhow, it was quite an adrenaline-rush thing.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I read that Dina Zaman book a few weeks ago and laughed myself silly in the first few chapters, then it got serious and interesting. I sent the book over to Mum in Perth and she loved it.

It's nothing but the truth.

It's not a "religous" book as such but it's a non-fiction book about Muslims in Malaysia that is Oh-So-True.
